UHF Northern Hub & VHF Drop Repeater

New UHF Rptr &
Equipment Rack
Move to
New Building
VHF Repeater
2003 Activity


Site Changes
Leading to New UHF Repeater & Equipment Rack

VE6NHB prior to June, 1998


Left rack: GE VHF repeater and VHF duplexer (below repeater & out of picture).

Right rack: 2 Harris radios that functioned as the UHF Hub repeater.

UHF duplexer,
battery charger
and batteries.


June, 1998

The building VE6NHB shared at the Edmonton (Sherwood Park) CBC transmitter site was being demolished to accommodate new construction. This required removing equipment from the site until a new smaller building, that would be for VE6NHB only, was provided.

The equipment was relocated to my home (Barry - VE6SBS) for servicing and to have the two Harris radios, which had served as the UHF Hub repeater, replaced with a Motorola MSR2000 UHF repeater. After a week it became evident that the new building would not be available for several weeks so VE6NHB was set up and temporarily operated from my QTH. As we waited for the new building an equipment rack was located and the equipment was all installed in it. Now, when the new building was ready, the equipment rack simply needed to be moved to the repeater site, connected to the antenna feed line and plugged into an AC outlet to once again have VE6NHB operational at the site.

(Left) Arrow points to antennas at 270 ft.

(Right) 4 Element VHF & 8 Element UHF Antennas

Click for Larger Image


New UHF Repeater and Equipment Rack


GE VHF repeater.

The 2 boards bolted to the rack are for protection and will act as skids when the rack is slid on wooden rails up the basement stairs. (Rails are visible in background, bottom left corner, of the photo to the right.)

Top - UHF duplexer.

Center - UHF repeater behind 12" VHF band-pass filter can.

Bottom - VHF repeater & duplexer.

VHF-UHF diplexer (upper-right) couples the two repeaters to a single feed line which runs to the antennas.

CD-3 Controller

VHF and UHF monitor speakers above the UHF repeater.

MSR 2000 UHF Repeater.

James, VE6SRV, programming the CD3 controller.
That's me in the background.

GE Master Exec II VHF Repeater

VHF Duplexer

Next: Move to New Building

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