UHF Northern Hub & VHF Drop Repeater
New UHF Rptr & Equipment Rack |
Move to New Building |
VHF Repeater Replacement |
2003 Activity |
Site Changes |
VE6NHB prior to June, 1998
(Left) Left rack: GE VHF repeater and VHF duplexer (below repeater & out of picture). Right rack: 2 Harris radios that functioned as the UHF Hub repeater. (Right) |
New UHF Repeater and Equipment Rack |
The 2 boards bolted to the rack are for protection and will act as skids when the rack is slid on wooden rails up the basement stairs. (Rails are visible in background, bottom left corner, of the photo to the right.) |
VHF and UHF monitor speakers above the UHF repeater. |
MSR 2000 UHF Repeater. |
James, VE6SRV, programming the CD3 controller. |
Next: Move to New Building |
VE6SBS Amateur Radio Home Page |